I was horrified this morning
to learn that our feminist leader
stood in support of Bill Clinton.
I am a feminist and a Democrat.
I voted for Clinton. I have
defended him. I believed the
things that he said. He gave
me hope that the White House
may actually do something for
women. I was an AmeriCorps member.
And he lied to me. He had no
right to lie and then use my
government and my tax dollars
to cover it up. He has done
irresolvable damage to the Democratic
party, who now look foolish.
The fact that he lied in
a sexual harassment case, is
proof enough to me that he does
not care about women, but what
will get him the vote. And when
it was crunch time, he crumbled
and now he is showing his true
colors. When this all came out,
I was embarrassed to be a Democrat
and now I am embarrassed to
be a feminist. Now, I know that
not all feminist are the same.
Some of us have a conscience.
I have looked to feminist leaders
for guidance, knowledge, and
faith. Now I don't know what
to do, where to look. I can't
possibly convey the amount of
disappointment I feel. Sincerely,
for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
To clarify, we as a site have
not taken a stand on the "Clinton
thing." Personally, I'm afraid
that I don't agree with you.
Like you, I am pissed that Clinton
lied to me and to the American
people. But, unlike you, 1.)
I don't think this really has
anything to do with lying and
2.) I don't think he should
have been asked the question
in the first place. I think
the Clinton case goes to the
root of feminism's concerns--our
right to be heard, our right
to our own morality, our right
to our private lives assuming
they don't infringe upon others.
The one thing this case does
illustrate is something that
feminists have repeatedly said--feminists
don't all think alike