Having logged into your website
I was pleased to find a lot
of information relevant to a
project that I will shortly
be writing.
I was wondering however if you
could help me out with a query.
I want to know if Congresswomen
put themselves at a disadvantage
when they champion women-only
issues in Congress. Does it
make them an electoral liability?
I am studying in England and
would be very grateful if you
could answer my query for me.
Many thanks, Josephine
I have done some political research,
I have not followed how women
fare when they endorse women
friendly legislation. My instincts
is that the bigger problem is
that any legislation proposed
by women is viewed as slightly
less serious than whatever is
proposed by male representatives.
Therefore, the content is secondary
to the person proposing it.
there is rarely legislation
that is "for women only"--for
instance--the Family Medical
Leave Act--that is meant to
be equally for men and women,
but women will act on it more.
I hope that helps--if not, try
the National
Women's Political Caucus,
which works with female elected