for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
In answer to your question about
whether or not the United States
is ready for a woman President,
I want more than anything to
be able to answer with what
I "wish" was possible, but,
unfortunately, I have to answer
realistically--and realistically,
I don't think that the United
States is ready for woman President.
Just one reason is to look at
the criticism that Elizabeth
Dole experienced when she explored
the idea of running. People
said women belonged at home,
if God wanted women to rule
he would have created them equally.
I, of course, don't believe
these things. But, I do believe
that many people still believe
example is that we only have
9 women out of 100 people in
the U.S. Senate. That disparity
seems to point to a lack of
trust of women's leadership
abilities. But, the good news
is that I think things are changing--and
in your lifetime you will probably
see a woman president. I hope
that helps, but write back if
you need me to clarify anything.