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Dear Amy,

I have recently received news that my best friend is pregnant. I have seen the two tests she has taken and they are indeed positive. I'm worried about her though. She thinks its no big deal, but she still has a whole year left of high school. She wants to leave high school for a year and then come back once the baby is about a year old. She won't consider adoption and she can't afford an abortion.

Should I do something?



It sounds from your note like your friend's first choice would be to have an abortion?

If that's correct and if money is the obstacle to that choice, there are tons of funds that help women/girls like her -- the National Network of Abortion Funds. If in fact she does want to continue the pregnancy and that's her first choice, then I would just encourage her to stay in school. She doesn't have to drop out of school if she is pregnant and I think that she should stay focused -- it's much easier to get distracted from your goals once you have someone else to take care of.

Please let me know how else I might be able to help.

-- Amy


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