I am 14 years old and I have to do a semester
project on abortion. I am strongly pro-life,
so my biased will most definitely show; however,
I was wondering, since you are on Planned Parenthood's
board, could you give your insight on abortion
and why you pick your position? The best research
includes both sides of an argument.
My basic belief around abortion is that it should
be legal and thus safe and each woman should
be able to make her own decision. It is such
a personal decision and everyone chooses to have
abortion for a different reason — some
because they is a health concern, some because
they already have children and don't feel like
they can be an adequate person to another children,
some because they are so young and know they
aren't mature enough to parent, some because
they learn that the child has a fetal abnormality
and can't live beyond gestation...and the list
goes on. I think some people are more sympathetic
to some of these reasons than others and yet
that's not really out reason — we have
to just ensure that women have access to health
care and to doctors that can help them make the
best choice they can.