Dubya is posing a real threat
to anyone who wants to access
reproductive rights services,
the good news is that the majority
of this country is pro-choice
and believes that women should
be able to access the full range
of reproductive health services.
These services include condoms,
birth control, safe sex information,
abortions, pre-post natal care,
etc. Therefore, there will always
be people who are providing
these services. However, accessing
these services is what is getting
harder and harder to do. I'm
not sure where you live, but
if you live near a big city,
then it shouldn't be any problem.
If you live in rural place,
then it is already difficult
to access these services because
fewer places offer them. With
the Internet, you can find services
nearest to you. It's important
that we act on our concerns--that
is let "Dubya" know that we
don't support him. If he's going
to make our work hard, then
we should just make his harder.
Thanks for sharing your concern,
and, again for planning ahead.