First let me say that I have read Manifesta
twice and think it is a great book. As a self-proclaimed
feminist, I have found it to be a great source
of inspiration and encouragment. Thanks.
The reason I am writing is because I am getting
really freaked out about this whole Bush vs. Roe
stuff. I am scared for what is to come. It is
really looking grim isn't it? HOW CAN HE GET AWAY
WITH THIS!! How is this happening? How can the
government take women so many steps backward like
we have been getting away with something terrible
in having the freedom to make decisions about
our own lives? I am very worried for the future
and I have just got to do something.I need your
help. I want to make an impact on keeping abortion
legal. What should I do?
I have a volunteer information packet coming from
Chicagoland's Planned Parenthood abortion clinics,
but is doing some filing in a clinic the extent
of what one person can do? I need some realistic
You said in your book that you felt like the only
women that get any attention for action in the
women's movement are from the Second Wave, but
from someone familiar with your work, that is
not completely true.
from Chicago
I actually do believe that older women are the
ones who get the majority of the credit for furthering
women's rights -- but that certainly doesn't mean
that they are ones doing the work. However, if
you ask most "second wavers" -- not
all -- about young women -- they will say something
to the effect of "they take their rights
for granted, they don't realize that choice is
in jeapordy."
has never been my experience, since I interact
with younger women daily who are doing this work,
so when I hear this accusation, I immediately
point to these examples and I get some version
of "they are the exception," but they
aren't. As for the real threat -- I do think that
there are some serious threats when it comes to
the Supreme Court, however, I also think that
more people see this as a basic human right than
don't -- so the justices might never overturn
the question, I always ask is not "what will
we do when Roe is overturned," but instead
asking "is abortion legal and for whom?"
I actually think that those who are suffering
today -- poor women, younger women, rural women
-- are the ones who will suffer if abortion is
illegalized, but it's almost irrelevant if it's
illegal since it is so out of reach for these
women as is and those who can easily access it
-- middle class women, white women, urban women
-- will continue to be able to access it. Certain
states will never illegalize it and certain doctors
will see it as a necessary medical procedure and
will thus leave it available to their patients,
however, that will be within private offices and
thus available to those who can afford it. This
is all to say that I don't think that worrying
should be saved for "what's next" but
for what is happening now."
I think that filing does help out, but what probably
could have a great impact is to take the women
currently lacking access and reaching out to them
-- perhaps starting a hosting service like women
have done with HAVEN in New York City or starting
a fund, like the National Network of Abortion
Funds or creating a car pool of sorts or creating
male responsibility around the issue -- a male
speakout for those who have impregnanted women,
thus taking the responsibilty off of women or
at least sharing it. I hope that gets you thinking.