you be able to help me with some statistics? I'm
pro-choice & I'd like some statistics that pro-choice
people use to refute the pro-lifer's. Like how
many children are molested, starve to death, are
beaten, abandoned, etc.?
is a great book called Is the Fetus A Person?
by Jean Schroedel. The book examines each state's
pro-choice policy and compares it to that state's
pro-child policies. For example, are there parental
consent laws? Is there a 24 waiting period, etc.?
Consistently, the most pro-choice states were
the most pro-child states, meaning that they devote
more money to school lunch, Head Start, etc...
This proves that those who are pro-choice are
pro-child. I suggest you check out this book -
the author is a professor at Claremont Graduate
School in California. Also, check out the
site of The
National Abortion Federation. I hope that