a student. Currently, I'm having some discussion
on what feminists mean by the term "reproductive
rights" and what are the issues encompassed by
the term. Do feminists believe reproductive rights
are the foundation for women's right? Thank
you for your help.
I actually get
annoyed when feminists become overly dependent
on the term reproductive rights because it actually
means so many different things and really says
very little. Also, when it is used, it is sometimes
alienating because people don't really know what
exactly is being discussed. I know that we have
a need to synthesize things, but not to the extent
of further confusion. That said, what is meant
by the term reproductive rights is having access
to reproductive health services. This includes
health insurance coverage for birth control, health
insurance in the first place to ensure that women
can stay on top of their reproductive health needs,
the right to take birth control, have an abortion
or have a child, access to STD testing and also
treatment. Also removing the stigma that is unfairly
put on women for all of these things, when both
involve men, too. Also, men have reproductive
rights, too. They need to get STD testing, they
need to know their rights and they need to know
what safe sex is and why wearing a condom helps
prevent pregnancy and diseases -- both of which
should impact them as much as women. Does all
of that make sense? I hope it clears things up
-- take care.