I'm preparing literature for
Paul Wright, a candidate here
in Minnesota, Legislative District
20-A. He is a great supporter
of women, one of the few men
that I have met who really respects
women. We need to get him elected.
A few years ago, Nancy Larson
ran against the incumbent Bob
Ness, IR. The MCCL here, did
their usual nasty lit drop at
all of the local churches here
the Sunday before the election.
Nancy lost by a very few votes.
We feel that the MCCL lit did
the job. Paul wants to be prepared
and do the same thing with his
views on the right to choose.
Can you send me some information
on how to prepare literature?
Thank you very much for your
assistance! - Patti
Patti - I suggest that you contact
local women's organizations
and ask for their endorsements
Planned Parenthood - and
others are likely to have a
more diverse membership. Also,
you should compile a list of
Paul Wright's voting record
as it relates to women's issues
- and publicize this (assuming
that it is good). Do a press
release outlining what he has
done "for women" and how he
has and will continue to be
a supporter of their causes.
Also, I will send you a booklet
put out by
Voters for Choice - Winning
With Choice. This has
great information about how
to get out the pro-choice vote
and your message as a pro-choice
candidate. Good luck to you
and Paul Wright.