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I was wondering if you could give me any information on the role of women of color in the abortion movement. I am a student at Emory university writing a report on the activism of women of color in the movement, however I am not finding adequate information. If you could help me at all I would really appreciate it. Thank you, Felicia

To research the role of women of color in the abortion movement, I think the best place to start would be some of the pro-choice organizations that are specifically for women of color. Such as the National Black Women's Health Project (whose information on the Internet is listed through American Charities or you can call them at: 202-835-0117); the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health (based in Washington, DC); Asian Pacific Islanders for Choice (based in San Francisco, CA); and Indigenous Women's Network, which has done plenty of choice related work--(in Rapid City, South Dakota at: 605-399-0867.) Good luck.

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