My name is Teresa and I am a
teacher at Deming High School
of gifted and talented students.
Deming, New Mexico is located
thirty miles north of Mexico's
border, and it is an economically
depressed rural area in which
students have few opportunities
to experience the world at large.
Deming is known for having the
highest teen pregnancy rate
in the state and New Mexico
tops the nation. This statistic
not only effects the future
of females, but males a like.
So, I plan on teaching a unit
dealing with women's issues,
specifically "women in the workplace."
I am looking for educational
material, books, videos, pamphlets,
posters, pictures . . . anything
that can be purchased at a very
low cost, or is free!! Thank
you for you assistance. Teresa
for your note to feminist.com
and for taking action against
the high teenage pregnancy rate
that your community is experiencing.
Some of the best material I
have seen on the subject comes
from Planned
Parenthood of New York City.
I suggest that you contact them
for more information. If, after
learning more about this, you
still need more information,
please let me know and I'll
see what else I can come up
with - thanks and good luck.