My name is Jessica and I
am sending this email in regard
to your site. I enjoyed it!
I feel that in a way I too am
a feminist, but there are a
few ideas that I would disagree
with that your site seems to
support. This may very well
be that I just didn't look into
this enough but I would like
info from someone on feminist
views on abortion and pro-life.
I am pro-life although I see
the way women feel that they
have the right to do what they
want with their bodies. Please
respond! Thank you, Jessica,
for your note -- and for exploring
your own feelings about abortion.
There really is no one feminist
response--as feminists are really
just a group of individual women
who have individual opinions.
However, one of the most basic
elements of feminism--is about
making sure that women are able
to make choices over their own
lives. Given that--then feminists
do support that women should
be able to make the choice about
when or whether to have an abortion.
This does not mean that every
feminist would make the decision
to do so, it only means that
feminists support individual
women to make that choice. I
hope that helps