Thanks so much for your note
to FEMINIST.COM and for
sharing your story with me.
I read your note and kept thinking
"I have to tell her about my
experience, which was very different."
Then I got to the end of your
note and realized that you already
knew that I had an abortion.
I had my abortion when I was
19--10 years ago--and I have
never regretted it--nor have
I ever felt any guilt about
my decision. If anything, I
felt guilty about getting pregnant
in the first place--I should
have known better--but never
guilty about the actual abortion.
I know that it's next to impossible
to ignore the feelings/comments
of those around you, so I know
that is never a realistic response.
However, what you can do is
to be firm in your decision
and not be influenced by their
thoughts. For instance, you
have to think of what your life
could possible be like if you
had chosen to have the child:
1.) Your boyfriend might not
be in the picture anymore.
2.) You would be too busy to
have custody of your younger
3.) You would be confused--and
maybe even bitter--because you
would have made a decision not
so much based on your instincts,
but on the guilt and pressure
from your mother and others
around you. You might even take
this pressure out on your child.
I know that those are only
conjecture, but I hope it helps
to point out that if you had
had the child maybe your mother
and boyfriend wouldn't be so
"unhappy" with you, but maybe
you would be the unhappy one.
With all of that said, I hope
you feel better. You sound like
a very genuine, sincere, caring
person--I'm sure you made the
best decision. Thanks for writing
and good luck.