I just wanted to tell you
how much I love your book. I
read my mom's from about 20
years ago or whatever, and was
moved. it encouraged me to stand
up for my rights in school,
gave me another side of the
story on all issues my teachers
were opposed to, and helped
me understand WOMEN MATTER!
You may be wondering why I say
"school" and "teachers." See,
I go to Catholic school. This
week is "pro-life week." My
teachers, especially religion
teachers, are always telling
us how horrible abortion is.
They tell us suicide, assisted
and self-induced, and drugs
that speed death, used often
in luekimia and other terminally-ill
patiens, are WRONG! I just feel
like hitting my teacher. She
clearly has never been terminally-ill
or pregnant! She even says that
women who have been raped should
not have abortion! She also
says soldiers should not be
allowed to go to church.
I just want to scream "SHUT
UP!" in class! my grandmother
fought a fifteen year battle
with emphysema, and was given
really high pain killers, and
I think the doctors sped up
her death, only given at her
wishes. But this teacher just
doesn't understand! And a pro-life
speaker came to school, and
told another class that in partial-birth
abortion "they chop the baby's
head off and suck out his brains."
How true is this? I never get
the whole story in school, like
why women can't be priests!
Thanks for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
I think your note was really
intended for Gloria Steinem,
however, I wanted to take the
time to respond. I’m sorry that
it has taken me so long to respond.
I was away from my computer
for a week and am only now uncovering
from the massive build-up. The
good news about the delay is
that by now, hopefully, pro-life
week is over. The bad news is
that you are probably in great
need of the "right" information.
The one good thing to come
out of the whole "partial birth
abortion" debate was that it
forced everyone to figure out
what exactly abortion was. However,
we are still left with many
dilemmas. What exactly an "abortion"
is, often depends on when you
are having it - i.e. how long
into the pregnancy. If you have
an abortion early in the pregnancy,
the procedure is a vacuum aspiration,
which essentially consists of
sucking the fetus out of the
woman’s womb. If you have an
abortion latter in pregnancy
- you first have to kill the
fetus and then remove it. Where
the question comes in is what
people think a fetus is. Some
people think it is just that
- a fetus - until a baby is
born. Other people, i.e. the
"prolifers" - think that life
begins at the moment of conception
and, therefore, oppose any interruption
of this life, in some cases
even if it is to save the life
and/or health of the mother.
And still other people refuse
to consider what is being aborted,
because for them it is purely
a matter of choice. I think
that you can believe any combination
of these, but what people have
to remember is that we entrust
the woman to make this decision,
not us. We can’t force our morality
and judgement onto them. Of
course, some women will make
bad choices - but that is only
because we have deemed it "bad."
Regardless, we can’t take this
choice away from anyone.
Does that help? If not, please
write back and together, we
can develop some good messages
for you.
Thanks for writing - and for
being true to your beliefs.
My guess is that those "pro-lifers"
in your school are probably
following someone else’s dictates,
rather than their own intuition.
You should feel proud that you
have enough sense to have your
own opinions.