My boyfriend thinks that the
stripping industry in no way
contributes to violence against
women, or the objectification
of women, or that it could
any way be harmful to women
who are not strippers, and
in fact, he believes that most
women who are strippers want
to be strippers because they
like it, and they like the
money. When I asked him what
he would think if our (to date
still imaginary) daughter wanted
to be a stripper, he said he
would support her decision.
I was outraged, and our argument
left me drained and incredibly
But he did say he was willing
to be educated, so that's what
I'm doing. I'm trying to find
information to help him learn,
and I'd love your help with
this. Any stats you could point
me to would be most helpful. |
That's certainly a familiar
conversation and I think it's
a tough conversation because
both things can be true — women
can be making the decision
to strip and they can be exploited.
Some women do need the money — but
as others have argued — shouldn't
we hope that women had better
options for make money? And
though I have certainly met
women who enjoy stripping,
there are few women who "want" to
strip — they get something
out of it (financial, as well
as attention and even get something
from being able to manipulate
men), but it's rarely long-term
gratifying and mostly women
want more options.
I don't
think there are stats that
specifically point to how stripping
contributes to a specific impact
on women — but I can
say that it contributes to
the general climate of how
women are treated — or
mistreated. Women should be
able to get validation from
other avenues, not just how
men pursue them. Also, though
some women can be strong in
those situations for most it's
a charade and that doesn't
serve them in the long run.