general, feminists are opposed to statutory rape
and are in support of statutory rape laws. However,
most feminists would also recognize that there
are faults in the laws. For starters, these laws
are determined on a state-by-state basis, and
therefore, leave room for ambiguity. Personally,
I think that statutory rape laws should apply
to either gender and should apply to same-sex
pairings as well as to opposite-sex pairings.
I don't think it's right that a 20 year-old woman
could have sex with a 12 year-old girl and not
have that be investigated, assuming that we would
investigate it if it were a 20 year-old man. Similarly
if it is a 25 year-old woman and a 15 year-old
boy. In order to change this, or to equalize this,
we have to work on a state-by-state basis.
for consent vs. nonconsent, that, too, is ambiguous.
For instance, how adequately can we measure that
after the fact? If it is consensual, however,
it's unlikely that any charges would be filed.
Unless, of course, someone was doing it on behalf
of someone else - and this is problematic regardless.
I know I haven't said much conclusively, but there
isn't an easy answer. I have tried to share my
thoughts and I hope it helps.