am doing research into legislative
and community efforts to help
women who are prostituted find
lives of safety, health, and
better jobs. Many women in the
industry are not really willing
participants, and are physically,
mentally, and criminally abused
without society's real understanding
of or compassion for them as
human beings. Sadly, much of
the mainstream women's movement
doesn't seem to care either.
1n 1993, two bills addressing
the protection and compensation
of those (women and men) in
these situations who want to
get out and improve their lives
were defeated in Congress--I
can only assume that the pimp/organized
crime lobby was effective. Is
there any legislation of late
addressing the needs of this
population? New York City in
particular (in contrast to L.A,
San Fransciso, and Minneapolis)
seems to have no interest in
helping (mostly) women escape
lives of violence and find better
jobs and better lives. Any advice?
for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
Specific to New York City, you
should contact the Committee
Against Anti-Asian Violence,
which has a program working
with sex workers who go through
the court system. (I know of
other programs, but they are
based on the West Coast.) Also,
I disagree that "the mainstream
women's movement doesn't seem
to care." If you're a feminist,
you're damned if you do and
damned if you don't--what about
Laura Lederer, a pioneer of
anti-pornography legislation;
Catherine MacKinnon and Andrea
Dworkin, Diana Russell? Contacting
any of these--and more--and/or
reference their work might also
help with your work.