have a 15 year-old friend who
has an extremely controlling
boyfriend. I have done a little
bit of research and I know that
control is a possible sign of
abuse. She calls me every now
and then to fill me in on how
she is doing. She tells me some
terrible stories of what her
boyfriend has done. He pressures
her to have sex, he pushes her
out of his car in the middle
of nowhere and makes her walk
to a phone, he doesn't allow
her to have any friends, he
prohibits her from talking to
me at school, he insults her
and her family constantly, he
won't allow her to leave her
house without him, and he has
physically restrained her. I
try to give her good advice
and to convince her to break
up with him, but she won't do
it because she is afraid of
what he will do to her when
she does break up with him.
She doesn't think she will be
strong enough to resist him.
She has told me several times
that she is afraid he is going
to hit her and she is always
telling me that she wants a
new life. The worst part of
all this is that she believes
what he says and she obeys him.
I ask her, if she could break
up with him, would she, and
she always says yes.
have debated getting her parents
involved and I have given her
many hotlines to call, but nothing
seems to be helping. I need
some advice on what I can do
for her. I would be very thankful.
for your note to FEMINIST.COM--and
for being such a great (and
concerned and insightful) friend.
All of your observations clearly
indicate that your friend is
in a dangerous and potentially
more dangerous situation. What
you have said so far is enough
to warrant concern--and the
biggest indicator is that she
herself is afraid to leave for
fear of the consequences. That
acknowledgement alone is a serious--and
also genuine concern. Because
there are people far more qualified
to help your friend than I--I
suggest you contact them directly.
The first thing to come to mind
is Victim
Services. They offer one-on-one
counselling and group counselling.
Knowing a little bit about their
approach, I think they will
encourage your friend to leave
her boyfriend, but will also
understand the potential danger
and therefore, help her to leave
in a way that protects her in
the process. Please contact
them--and continue to be a good
friend throughout the process--although
I have no doubt about that.
Let me know if you think I can
help in any other way. In the
interim good luck to you and
to your friend.