all women who read this web
site, I am sure you are aware
of the recent string of rapes
that have been occuring at the
University of Massachusettes
at Amherst. I do not attend
school there but I lived in
Amherst for six years and have
several close female friends
who attend school there who
are frightened to walk alone
at any time of day. One of the
attacks occured in broad daylight
during a rally to gain support
for awareness of what is occuring
on campus. Having lived in this
town I can see how people would
be more afraid then elsewhere,
Amherst is a small town and
for someone to intentionally
do this is sick and a definite
sociopath. The police and the
school have been as active as
they should be in this matter
that is why as women we need
to demand stiffer penalites
for people who are guilty of
makes me sick that someone can
rape a woman which forever damages
her life and the guilty can
get out of jail in five to six
years or maybe less for "good
behavior". There needs to be
mandaory life sentences for
those who are guilty of rape!
Please email me with a response
on this matter. Thank you my