you for your note and for your
interest. The most immediate
thing for a battered woman to
do is to report the battery
to the local police and to also
notify a local shelter and/or
organization that works with
women and men around family
violence issues. Laws set up
around domestic violence are
technically suppose to protect
the woman and/or man from any
harm--physical, verbal, sexual.
The problem with laws surrounding
violence is they concentrate
on prevention more than a cure--i.e.
they do very little about educating
the batterers on how "wrong"
violence is. In the last few
years more and more has been
done around Domestic Violence,
including President Clinton
signing the Violence Against
Women Act. Some states have
issued beepers and/or cellular
telephones to women who have
been battered. With these they
can contact the police immediately
if their batterer approaches.
To learn more about all of the
above and to receive more specific
information, you should contact:
Good luck and I hope the above
was helpful.