your note to FEMINIST.COM
- violence against men is equally
important to violence against
women. We focus on women since
this is a website primarily
by/for/about women. Also, I
think that you need to look
carefully at what you are saying,
"the majority of violent crime
victims are men"-- while that
may be true--the reality is
that women are the more likely
to be abused by someone they
know; domestic violence is the
leading killer of women between
the ages of 18 and 40; and because
crime statistics are as gender
biased as the rest of the world,
those crimes that are more likely
to impact women are often mislabled
"domestic" or "battery" or "rape"
and not as "violent." Additionally,
regardless of who the "victims"
are--men are the majority of
the abusers. Perhaps that's
where you should focus your