can't imagine what you are going
through and I send my best wishes
to everyone involved. With all
the work that I do with women's
issues, I see many situations
that are similar to yours. If
we continue to live in denial
about the reality of child sexual
abuse, it will continue to happen
in the obscene numbers that
it does.
Legally, I'm not sure what can
be done. To inquire, please
contact the following, who work
with this issue on an ongoing
If legally nothing can be done
with your case, at least personally,
you will begin to resolve this
trauma in your own family and
be an honest example for others
to learn from. This speaking
up is the first step toward
I hope this helps. Good luck
to you and your family. I hope
your children know how lucky
they are to have a parent--or
anyone--who is willing to listen.
Sometimes this is what really
makes a difference.