Daughter Laurie is being verbally
abused and a little physical
abuse. He is taking away her
self esteem and calling her
names, said he will get a hit
man, been married eight years,
on and on. Our question is what
do parents do? Our daughter
said she is trying to work it
out. They have three children
- two years to seven. Thank
you for your help in advance.
not sure where you are geographically,
so I can't make any specific
referrals. However, based on
what you have said about your
daughter's relationship, she
needs to get advice from those
who deal with the issue of violence.
As you know, situations like
this can escalate when you least
expect it. In New York City
there is a great organization
called Victim Services.
They offer counseling and referrals
and would be a good place for
your daughter to start. They
have the best information about
deescalating situations and
"tell tale" signs about when
a situation needs to be acted
on. There is also the Family
Violence Prevention Fund.
They are based in San Francisco,
but are a national organization.
They deal with referrals of
this nature and have an 800#
to help do so.
Good luck to you and your daughter
and thank you for being concerned
parents and for helping your
daughter know how to make informed