RAINN, I was sexually abused
for many years by my father,
and I could never bring myself
to tell anyone who could do
anything about it, until last
year. The results of my being
silent all those years were
devastating to my self and my
relationships causing me to
never be able to trust a man,
to love me, because I figured
if my own father did this to
me why wouldn't just anyone
else. When I broke down and
told my mother she was extremely
hurt and disappointed in my
failure to inform her sooner.
She wishes that she could leave
him but her financial situation
is not comfortable enough to
leave. The only solution that
she could reach is that the
day I graduated from high school
I would have to leave. That
killed me. All those years I
thought it was my fault and
when I finally realize it wasn't
I get punished for it. It is
nice to know that someone understands
what I have endured and maybe
now I can start to recover and
enjoy a normal life. Thank you.
you for your note to RAINN
which came to me via FEMINIST.COM.
I hope that RAINN will
take the time to respond personally,
but I wanted to add my voice
to the chorus of support. You
are extremely brave. There are
many people who never even take
the steps that you have taken
and therefore, spend their lives
blaming themselves and, therefore,
are never able to move forward.
I have heard of many cases,
where the child tells a parent
about their sexual abuse by
another parent and the parent
goes into denial and shuts the
child out as a result. I'm not
going to try to explain the
whys and hows, except that there
probably isn't only one. I'm
sorry that you are being "shut
out"--but I'm confident that
you will get the support and
understanding that you need--and
your honesty is certainly providing
that for others. Good luck and