for your note to FEMINIST.COM--and
for the important work that
you are doing. Obviously celebrities
are only so good if they 1.)
believe in the issue at hand
and 2.) can articulate that
concern, relationship to the
issue, etc... Then the next
step is obviously to find celebrities
who are concerned about teens
and sexual assault. Here are
some suggestions:
1.) Andrew Shue (from Melrose
Place and founder of Do Something
a youth group) and/or his sister
Elizabeth Shue who helped to
co-found Do
2.) Singer Joan Osborne who
has done work with Planned
3.) Eve Ensler who created The Vagina Monologues and V-Day --which
addresses sexual violence among
other things.
That's a start--as for reaching
these people it's best to go
through their agents/managers.