stumbled upon your site by accident
through the Earth Wisdom site.
I have been in therapy for several
years now. I would like your
opinion on something if that
is possible. My opinion and
my therapist's are diametrically
opposed on this issue. First,
let me explain about my self.
I am 27 years old until the
last three years i worked in
nursing. For the past three
years I have been out of work
due to depression and several
suicide attempts. I had a deeply
buried secret that I only revealed
less than two years ago. I did
not reveal it by choice. I was
implicated in criminal activity
(activity that I was involved
in but involved in by force.)
Unfortunately my sister was
also implicated and she had
no involvement or knowledge.
Anyway, to try and keep her
out of trouble I told everything.
had been involved with an uncle
since I was 18. The first time
I guess it was consensual. I
was flattered that someone "wanted"
me in that way. But I knew even
then it was wrong. After that
first time he would not take
no for an answer. First he threatened
to tell the guy I was involved
with (actually engaged to )
at the time. However, after
the first time it was never
never by choice I did it because
I had to not because I wanted
to - I hated it always. He was
(is) a degenerate pervert, into
all sorts of sick things. Then
he threatened to hurt or kill
me and when it got to the point
where I didn't care if he killed
me. He threatened to harm my
sister or her son. The only
reason I am out of the situation
now is that I tipped him off
that the police were on to his
other criminal behavior and
he fled and has so far stayed
away. (I took the blame and
the fall for what I was involved
with because they couldn't find
him.) My dilemma at
this point is I do not want
my family to know about this
ever. Except for my sister (actually
my half sister) no one would
believe me. I don't blame them,
after all I was 18 - a legal
adult at the time. I probably
brought it on myself anyway.
I also don't know for sure if
my sister would believe me.
She was raised by my grandparents
and regards this uncle as a
brother and is very very close
to him. So I am in a quandary.
My therapist feels that I can
not truly heal while still keeping
secrets. I tend to agree with
her but I can not deal with
even considering telling my
family - I would die first.
My question is is it possible
to heal or get over it without
telling. My sister and her son
are the only family I have that
matters - they are what keeps
me going. I do not want to lose
them but I do want to put this
behind me. If you have any ideas
I would appreciate it. Is it
possible to keep my secret and
still get over this and get
on with my life? My therapist
doesn't think I can, but there
must be a way mustn't there?
I know you probably can't help
but any resources would be appreciated.
I know you probably won't print
this letter but you can if you
want. - Thank you, Anonymous
right that I'm not sure if I
am the best person to help you.
Actually, I think the only person
that can help you is you. If
I were in your situation, I
know that I would continue to
blame myself and feel guilt
and shame--all unnecessary,
but nonetheless unavoidable
feelings--until I got it out
in the open. What I don't know
is if telling it to friends
and current loved ones would
bring enough healing or if I
would need to go to the root
and to my family.
In your example I think that
you also need to think about
others. If this uncle did this
to you, it is possible that
he could have done it to others--or
will do it to others. By sharing
your experiences with your sister
you might be giving her room
to share things that she has
been troubled about, too. However,
the other side is that she may
not want to believe you--and
this may cause her to just put
distance between you two. In
the end you have to remind yourself
that you did the right thing.
I'm sorry that I couldn't be
of further assistance. Good
luck to you--and I'm sending
you my best wishes for you to
be able to heal yourself and
move on in your life.