of my sort of close friends
has been raped, several times,
before and after I met her.
When she told me about the third
time this happened, in early
December, I wanted to cry and
knew that for me it was the
normal thing to do, but the
look on her face made me feel
that it was wrong. Her face
gave me the feeling that the
whole thing was normal. So,
I went sort of crazy for a week
but did nothing. Now, she tells
me that one of the guys who
raped her a while back is now
stalking her and has for two
days. I don't know how to ask
how I can help, or how to ask
what happened and what is being
done. I read "Who's Afraid of
the Dark" by Cynthia Carosela,
and took all the advice given,
but I don't feel I'm getting
anywhere. What would your advice
be on helping her?
for being such a great friend.
Unfortunately, what might seem
like a natural response to you
and me, obviously isn't for
your friend. Without knowing
her and more about her life
I can't really conclude this,
but based on other examples
and experiences--there is a
cycle of abuse, which she may
be caught up in. It's a sick
thought, but it almost does
seem natural, when your whole
life is full of examples of
people undermining and abusing
you. This could be physical,
sexual or verbal abuse. To learn
more about the cycle of abuse--you
should read Judith Herman's
book--Trauma and Recovery
and also Sandy Bloom's book
Creating Sanctuary.
What both of this books--and
many others--show is how you
need to acknowledge this cycle
before you can break out of
it. Unfortunately, this acknowledgement
takes belief in yourself and
confidence that you aren't crazy--the
system is. You can help your
friend, by helping her to realize
that not everyone lives with
that abuse.
About stalking there is a great
book by Gavin Debeker The
Gift of Fear. He
goes over all the steps and
signs--and mostly what it can
lead to. Your friend should
know about all of that.
I hope this helps