am in the process of making
a booth for the "Human Rights
Fair" for Durango High School
in Las Vegas, NV. The category
that my group chose for the
fair was rape. I was wondering
if you have any information,
posters, etc. that you could
send me to aid my group in the
fair. Please respond to this
request and I will give you
an address that you could reach
me at in order for this to take
place. Thank you for your time.
Sincerely, Scott
for your note to Feminist.com
and for helping to educate your
community about the prevelance
of rape. To help with your booth,
please go to the V-Day
Anti-Violence Resource Guide
located at V-Day
through Feminist.com.
You will see that there are
a few organizations listed that
work specifically on the issue
of rape. For instance, the National
Institute on Marital and Date
Rape. There is the also
the NOW Legal Defense & Education
Fund. I suggest that you
contact these organizations
directly for information. You
should also take a look at our
Violence Against Women section.
Also, if you want to have international
resources, I suggest that you
contact Equality
Now. If you want local (Las
Vegas based) resources, please
use the Database
of Women's Services located
at Feminist.com to find
a local rape crisis center.
They will likely have material
for you. This last suggestion
is probably what will be most
beneficial to your fellow students--this
way they will know what is available
in their community. And if you
discover that there isn't anything
locally, maybe you could work
to get something started. Good