my name is Kristi and I have
been exploring your web site.
I am just wondering if you have
any advice on how to get on
with your life. I was raped
by my boyfriend seven years
ago. He not only took my virginity
but he also took away my ability
to enjoy a sexual relationship.
My current boyfriend is very
understanding about the whole
situation. He has helped me
to enjoy a sexual relationship
with him, but he has asked me
on several occasions to be more
aggressive. I find that very
hard to do because of the rape.
He tries to understand, but
it is very hard for him. He
doesn't understand that it is
hard to let go of certain feelings
that evolve because of being
raped. The good thing is that
I am trying to explore my sexual
side. I really do want be more
aggressive and expressive when
I am making love with my boyfriend.
Is there any advice that you
can give me? I really want to
learn to enjoy a normal sex
wish that you could read all
of the emails I get at FEMINIST.COM
that are from women who have
experienced things similar to
you. The reason I wish you could
read them is so you could be
confirmed in how far along you
are in your healing process.
That gives me hope that you
will be able to fully tap your
"sexual side." It sounds like
you have all the right elements--the
will and desire to try and a
supportive and seemingly understanding
boyfriend who can help you during
this process. As you know--and
he seems to, too--you can't
do something that you don't
want to. If you become more
agressive sooner than you want
to, than you could likely take
more steps back then forward.
You might have to further revisit
the pain caused to you seven
years ago. I say this as encouragement
for you to not do something
that you aren't ready for. There
are certainly ways to be sexually
satisfied without aggression.
Most of this involves just listening
to what your body is telling
you--thereby tapping into natural
"expressions" rather than those
based on the movies' version
of expression. As for being
able to eventually move forward
without any reservations, in
most instances this invovles
first painfully revisiting the
incidence in the first place.
Some times this involves extensive
therapy, and some times it involves
just talking about it with others--and
thereby knowing that it was
in the past.
As I said in the beginning,
I have faith that you are on
the right path. I'm sorry that
I can't make all of your troubles
go away--if I could, I certainly
would. I hope this helps, but
please feel free to write again
if you want to and/or if you
want me to point you in the
direction of specific resources.