to The
Readers' Companion to U.S. Women's
History (edited by Wilma
Mankiller, Gwendolyn Mink, Maryssa
Navarro, Barbara Smith and Gloria
slogan Take Back the Night was
first used in 1978 as a theme
for a national protest march
in San Francisco. The march
took place at night following
the first feminist conference
on pornography...Over 10,000
people marched down residential
streets and in the area where
strip joints, peep shows, pornography
theaters, massage parlors, and
brothels lined the streets....The
slogan has become a symbolic
statement of women's commitment
to stopping not just pornography
but also all violences against
women...Until Take Back the
Night, only two sides to the
pornography issue existed: the
conservative approach that pornography
is immoral because it exposes
the human body; and the liberal
approach that pornography is
just another aspect of human
sexuality. A third and feminist
perspective holds that pornography
is part of cultural ideology
that promotes and condones violent
crimes against women." -- by
Laura Lederer