for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
Because you said that you were
"trying to heal from a past
sexual assault" I assume that
you already have resources/outlets
for yourself. I say this because--as
you have Identified, these are
two different issues--one, healing
yourself, and two, getting help
for your partner. I just wanted
to make sure that each is being
weighted equally. With that
assumption here are groups to
contact re: getting suggestions
for other groups specifically
working to cut "addiction to
porn." "Men's groups" are a
good place to start for references:
- Men's'
Issues Discussion Group,
Reed College,
3203 NE Woodstock Blvd.,
Portland, OR 97202.
- Men
Stopping Rape, Inc.
PO Box 316,
306 North Brooks Street,
Madison, WI 53715.
- National
Organization for Men Against
c/o MOVE,
54 Mint Street,
Suite 300,
San Francisco, CA 94103.
- Students
Organizing Against Pornography,
Dept. of Philosophy,
Miami University,
Oxford, Ohio 45056.
should contact Diana Russell,
who is an "expert" on ending pornography.
She is a professor at Mills College.
Good luck to you and your partner
- thanks.