have never seen a question like
mine in any self help column.
I was a childhood incest/abuse
survivor. With a lot of work,
I have gotten over it, but apparently,
my parents have not. They are
going about telling anybody
and everybody that I am "mentally
ill, violent, and in desperate
need of medication." They have
told my landlord, the local
dept. store, the local police,
my employer,... have I left
anybody out?
When I was younger, I thought
the answer was to get a good
education and a good job, and
to be self sufficient. I've
been to Europe, to the east,
to the west. I am tired of moving
and do not have unlimited funds.
My family, however, is quite
I've thought of changing my
name and identification, such
as drivers license and social
security numbers, which I obtained
when I was quite young. Can
I do this? And are there any
organizations that can assist
me? Thank you, Victim no more
for your note to Feminist.com.
It's always a sad state of comfort
when I say "you are not alone."
Unfortunately, I personally
know two people who are in a
very similar situation. Both
come from very powerful families
and both families refuse to
acknowledge that something like
"that" could possibly have happened
in a nice family like theirs.
I don't think that either of
these families have gone to
the extent that your family
has--mostly because although
they have tried to write these
women off as "crazy" and get
everyone to assume that they
are making it up in their head--they
also don't want to say too much--because
they themselves might have to
do some explaining. The other
side of all of this is that
if you chose to tell people
what actually happened they
might believe you and see the
reason for your parent's misrepresentation.
However, I have no idea who
these people are and what sensibilities
they have, so they also could
not believe you.
Anyway--you had very specific
questions about a name-change.
You can have your name changed
if you have a "good reason."
If your reason is "good enough"
is entirely up to the courts.
I suggest you talk to a lawyer
about that. Of course, you can
call yourself anything, but
the ID is a problem.
As for resources, yes, there
are a number of groups that
could help you. Most of the
ones I would suggest are already
1.) under past Ask Amy's
in this section
2.) under the Resource
guide at the V-Day site
and at Feminist.com's
Violence Against Women section.
I think that you should find
a few groups here that could
help you.
If you have other questions,
please let me know. Otherwise,
good luck.