I can't find any help or someone to discuss
with about my problems and questions so I'm writing
to you. (Sorry my English writing maybe
bad sometimes, my first language is French.)
I feel weird since I'm young a kid, now I'm
32 year old woman. I'm working hard and I have
good job in multi-media industry and I have a
good salary. I'm surrounded by men and I'm pretty
good with technical and computer job tasks. I
think I can say I'm pretty too. But I have the
impression that the fact I'm a women I will never
grad to a director position at my job or it would
be harder for me the achieve that. Even if sometimes
I'm smarter then my men colleagues when we have
to resolve problems at the job, I can feel some
discomfort from them about me being very good
at work. I need to speak louder all the time
in the meetings and be mad while talking, else
nobody will listen to me. Is that can be possible?
Am I surrounded by men who don't have any references
about how a woman should be at work so each time
I'm talking or say something about technical
stuff to do I have that 'file not found' feeling
from them? There is competition I think. I do
feel I'm lacking references too since I don't
know any women having a cool career.
Another thing, I can't look at a movie or any
TV shows where I can see gender prejudice or
women being associated to the weak or entertaining
gender, I'm just tired of that (I feel it's always
the same scrap). And I'm not sure my boyfriend
understand that, he thinks I'm yelling all the
time without any reasons. How am I supposed to
deal with that? I've dated several men in my
20s and lot of them asked me: are you feminist,
because I don't like that... they told me. Since
I'm heterosexual and I like to date men or be
with my boyfriend, what I'm supposed to do? Because
I really think my success would be better with
the men if I don't say nothing all the time,
stay quiet and be pretty and kind, follow them
into there things and career without having too
time consuming job or hobbies.
Last question, I'm thinking about having a baby,
but what I saw that here in the US that women
don't have support from the government to have
children. In Canada, a women would have 1 year
vacation with 50% of her salary when she is pregnant.
This one year can be shared with her husband/partner
if they want to. And you have government professional
baby/kid sitting and pre-school fees for $5 a
day too if you are not a rich person. Here in
the U.S. we have nothing!!! And for a women like
me doing a good salary and doing great you really
have to make a choice here: be a career woman
or an house wife with a rich husband. Plus we
need to marry, you can' t be just partners and
have government benefits. How can I stay independent
and have a healthy-balanced relationship with
my man if I will need to marry and 100% count
on him for the money part if we decide to raise
a children? And at work I'm working very hard
to gain my 'good with technical tasks' reputation,
I'm afraid to fall into the useless pregnant
women when I'm going to be pregnant at work and
miss 2 vacation weeks to have my baby. Is there
secret trick to achieve it successfully and keep
my productive career at the same time?
Thanks a lot!
Many of the issues that you inquire about directly
relate to a new book that I have just published — Opting
In: Having A Child Without Losing Yourself. I
talk both about how limited the U.S. is when
it comes not only to government support, but
also to our attitudes about pregnancy and child
rearing. Not that I have all of the answers,
but I do propose some thoughts on how to correct
this. Also, on your career and relationships — I
think that it is much harder for women to achieve
the same level of success as men — not
because someone "stops" them or because
they can't — but simply because women are
more likely to want and ask for balance in their
lives and women are more likely to plateau their
careers — to ask for more vacation time
in lieu of more money — or a bit of both.
So there are certainly examples out of there
of women who have been unapologetically successful
and that's great, but more often then not I think
that women opt for a lifestyle over career success.
And in terms of men — men's success scares
women — just like men who take on childrearing
scare some women — I think that our traditional
roles are very entrenched and it's hard for us
to see beyond them or threatening to who
we are or suppose to be. That said, I think that
men certainly benefit from having successful
and independent women in their lives — if
they have a life, they are less dependent on
theirs for utter fulfillment — that said,
some men are accustomed to women "needing" them
and don't know how to operate when they are free
from that dependence.
— Amy