am 18 years old and preparing
for college this fall. I want
to major in Women's Studies/Social
Welfare. I have not been able
to find much information about
Women's Studies programs across
the country. In your opinion,
what university(s) have the
best WS programs? Eventually
I want to work for NOW's Legal
Defense Fund or with Sarah Mandelbaum
at the ACLU...anything to get
me started in the right direction
would be appreciated!
actually been traveling around
the country the past couple
months, so have a better perspective
on women's studies programs.
I've been lucky to visit lots
of great programs as well as
hear from students who are enrolled
in various institutions. The
best programs I have seen have
no rhyme or reason to the various
universities. For instance,
some are from small schools
other from bigger schools, some
more prestigious and some more
of an integrated curriculum.
for specific schools, these
are some of the best I have
seen and/or heard of:
- Brandeis
- Vanderbilt
- Duke
- Hobart
& William Smith
- University
of Florida at Gainseville
- University
of Oregon at Eugene
- Smith
- Wellesley
- Barnard
- Sonoma
State University
- University
of Ohio
- University
of Michigan
- Middlebury
this spring I will be visiting
Ball State University, Stanford,
Syracuse, Humboldt State, and
a few others. So based on their
inviting me to their campuses
I would guess that they have
decent programs. I hope those
suggestions help, but I also
want to say that you could major
in anything that you want and
still go on to get the job you
want. What's most important
about our undergraduate studies
is learning how to study and
a way of thinking. Good luck.