am doing sociology at Bury College in Manchester,
I will shortly be doing some coursework and I
would be interested in basing my hypothesis on
the problems faced by working mothers in the modern
age. I wonder if you have any relevant information
that would be of use to me.
you for your time,
think that your work on the problems faced by
working mothers in the modern age is certainly
one that needs to be further explored. As it stands,
working mothers have a "double burden" - most
women have two jobs, one outside the home and
one inside the home. And until the workforce changes
to be more respectful of our family lives, this
will continue to be a problem that the majority
of women face. Of course, men face this, too,
but women are certainly the majority of those
impacted, which probably has a direct correlation
to the fact that men remain the majority of employers
and, therefore, more removed from these demands
on our time, etc.... There are several books that
have explored this in greater detail and have
offered strategies for remedying it. I suggest
you check those out:
- Arlie
Hochchild - The Second Shift
- Anne
Crittenden's new book - The Price of Motherhood
is a book coming out this spring by Joan Peterson,
Not Your Mother's Life. All of these will
give you greater details into this problem.
luck and let me know if you need further resources.