though you no longer work for
your previous employer, I just
want to underscore how important
it is for you to hold your ex-employer
accountable for their wrongdoing.
In fact - not being employed
there probably makes you a better
advocate - i.e. your job isn't
at stake. Essentially it sounds
like what your employer did
is blatantly wrong.
In 1978 Congress passed the
Pregnancy Discrimination Act,
which essentially said that
you could not fire or demote
a woman for being pregnant.
Other acts, like the Family
& Medical Leave Act, strengthened
this by saying that not only
could you not fire them, but
you need to provide parental
leave and you need to leave
the position open for the person
to return to. These acts are
handled mostly by the Equal
Employement Opportunity Commission
- (and to some extent the U.S.
Department of Labor) - so
you can learn more specifics
by contacting them. Besides
showing your employer how they
have wronged you and likely
other women, too, perhaps you
want to send a letter to other
employees so they know their
rights. Good luck -- and it's
great that you are doing this.