am a graduate student writing
my thesis on women executives
relocating internationally.
I am looking at a variety of
resources to provide a solid
base on which to do my research.
While searching the net, your
website poped up. I would be
most appreciative if you could
forward me any material or ideas
on this topic. I am looking
through Nancy Adler's work and
have been in touch with Catalyst
in NYC. Thank you, Saskia M.
for your note. Besides the resources
you have already utilized--Catalyst
and Nancy Adler--I suggest that
you contact some of the following
to learn more about women executives
relocating internationally.
However, because this is such
a niche specific query and one
that affects a comparatively
low percentage of the population,
I would imagine that resources
will be hard to come by--and
will be conflated with other
National Institute on Work
and Families or the National
Partnership on Work and
Families (I might have these
names slightly mixed up.)
College (Boston, MA) is
one of the only women-only
MBA programs--they might
have information.
you tried business schools
and/or international affairs
schools--places women might
go who are going abroad,
or vice versa--where companies
might go looking for women
in go abroad.
Magazines such as Fortune,
Equity (which was
a trial magazine c/o Worth),
Working Woman --might
have information.
I hope that helps.