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I am doing a High School project in which I am discussing the unfairness of women's wages in comparison with men's. If it's alright I would like to hear what you think on the issue and ask you a few questions. You are welcome to add anything else you think could help me. The questions are as follows. Thanks for your time - Jessica.

1. Do you feel that women are paid fairly in comparison with a man doing the same job? (If so why?)

2. Do you think women have progressed or regressed in the new fields of training and technology? (compared with men)

3. Through your perspective and experiences do you feel women are paid and treated fairly in the work force?

4. Which industries do you think discriminate on pay the most? Why? How so?

5. Do you know where I could find more information on this topic?

Thanks for thinking of us for help with your project. I have included my responses to your questions, I hope this helps, good luck - Amy

1. Do you feel that women are paid fairly in comparison with a man doing the same job? (If so why?)

There are two main areas about equal pay.

  • The first area is to ensure that men and women who do exactly the same job are paid the same. Today, women make on average, only 75 cents to every dollar earned by a man (or 25 % less). That is women and men who do exactly the same job.
  • The other part of equal pay is ensuring that the pay scales for different professions changes. Today, any profession that is more than 70% female is a low-wage job, and vice versa, any profession that is more than 70% is a high-wage job. To balance this, we need to look at the value of each job - for instance, teaching, which is a primarily female job, compared to banking, which is a primarily male job.

2. Do you think women have progressed or regressed in the new fields of training and technology? (compared with men)

I think that there is still growing to be done. Women aren't equal to men in tech jobs in much the same way that they aren't equal in other higher paying fields, but they are making progress. Where they started is at a much better place than they did with other professions, so the pace for advancement seems to be greater.

3. Through your perspective and experiences do you feel women are paid and treated fairly in the work force?

This seems similar to questions # 1, but in general no, but it also depends on the woman. The race and ethnicity of the woman also influences the treatment.

4. Which industries do you think discriminate on pay the most? Why? How so?

Again, ditto to answer # 1, any industry that is primarily men, the salaries are better and vice versa.

5. Do you know where I could find more information on this topic?

To learn more, try the National Committee on Pay Equity and Nine to Five: the National Assocation of Working Women.


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