am writing a report as part
of my degree at Southampton
University in the UK on the
problems and experiences of
female entrepreneurs in male
dominated sectors. I have been
looking through your site which
is extremely informative but
I have been unable to locate
any information on this issue.
Would you be able to help me?
Or do you know of anyone or
any sites who can? I am looking
for any information, statistics,
studies, etc to help provide
a background for my study. Thank
you for your time - Leanne
general, female entrepeneurs
face two main obstances:
- lack
of access to initial capitol,
loans, etc...
- a
general climate of sexism
that makes it harder for people
to take women seriously when
it comes to "money."
women have certainly made strides
- in fact, women owned businesses
employ more employees than Fortune
500 companies. So the tide is
changing - and this is in no small
part to the work of people who
have prioritized this issue. For
instance, the National
Association of Women Business
Owners - which networks these
businesses. Also, there is a new
program called "Count-Me-In" -
which is working to combat these
obstacles and to provide women
with the resources they need to
start their own businesses (www.count-me-in.org). I hope those links
lead you to more information.
Good luck.