am interested in going into
public interest law (women's
reproductive rights, violence
against women, etc.), but am
not sure how to chose a law
school that will help me accomplish
this. The guide books I have
found tell me where to go to
get the highest starting salary,
the best patent law education,
or the most prestigious degree,
but not which schools have feminist
programs or focus on public
interest law. Do you know of
any resources (either in print
or on-line) that rate schools
according to either their concern
for public interest issues or
their "woman-friendliness"?
I would be very grateful for
any information you could supply.
Thanks, Caryn
for your note--and good luck
as you venture into the world
of law libraries and late nights.
Having not been to Law School
I'm afraid I can't be of much
help to you. A fellow board
member at Feminist.com
recommended the you "should
look for a school that has clinical
programs with a public interest
focus (i.e. the civil rights
clinic) and some active organizations
(Women in law, battered women
project) -- NYU is terrific."
I would add, that you should find feminist law professors
that you trust, respect, etc..
and see where they teach. For instance, Catherine MacKinnon is a professor at University
of Michigan and Patricia Williams is at Columbia University. You
might also check out our Women's
Careers and Professional Organization Links for other resources.
Amy |