found your website and it gave
me a glimmer of hope. For the
last six months, I have been
on a quest to find a "family
friendly" employer. I just had
my first child at the age of
35, after having spent years
thinking I would never be a
mother. The original plan was
for me to either quit working
altogether for the first three
years of our son's life, or
work part-time. Then, in the
fifth month of my pregnancy,
my husband took off for places
unknown and I was forced to
have to go back to work. I love
working and having a career,
but I so much wanted to spend
more than two hours a day with
my son. I am not ashamed to
say that my situation is very
depressing to me. There just
don't seem to be enough "women-run"
or at least "family friendly"
companies out there. It would
be ideal for me to work flex
time or to telecommute. Believe
me, I have done nothing but
surf the net for the last six
months, sending out resumes
and looking into the possibility
of starting my own business,
but I just don't have enough
money to invest.
I would be so appreciative if
you could point me in the direction
of some resources for finding
the kind of employment I desire
at this time in my life. My
son will only be a baby once.
I don't want to miss it. Thanks
for listening. - Terri
for your honest note to FEMINIST.COM.
Unfortunately, I don't think
that your experience or your
frustration are uncommon. I
was raised by a single mother,
who always struggled with working
and raising a child. The good
news is that although my mother
always worked, my memory is
that she was always there for
me. I think that this was mostly
due to the feeling she left
me with--and her encouragement
to call for anything and everything.
The most immediate companies
to come to mind are Patagonia
and Smith & Hawkin, but
these are from memory only and
I'm not sure where they are
located and what is even available.
For more specific information
about "family friendly companies"--I
suggest that you access the
follow resources:
- Working
Woman and Working Mother--just
did stories on the "100 best
companies for women to work."
I'm not sure what their criteria
is, but it's worth investigating.
- Catalyst
(212-777-8900)--which works
to get executive women on
boards and into corporate
America--also honors "great
companies for women." Again,
I'm not sure about their criteria.
- Co-op
America --which has a
whole list of "socially responsible
Owned Businesses section
- The
Feminist Dollar: The Wise
Woman's Buying Guide by
Phyllis Katz and Margaret
Katz; Plenum Trade, New York/London
1997, which includes a rating
system and details about how
they rated the companies.
They cover a number of industries
and seem to give a good sense
of who the good guys are.
Bookstore for this books
and other ideas.
I hope these suggestions are
of use and that you can find
an employer who knows--and respects--that
parenting is also a full time