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I am trying to locate the subject concerning maternity leave. Having been a single parent for the last ten years, I am concerned about this topic, and am getting more and more clear that economics hold the key to whether women make it in the next millenium.

So - how about adding that to the fem.search ie 'maternity leave'. I would like to see some models of how socialist countries like Sweden deal with maternity leave, as well as the Soviet Union. I think that these countries have a lot more going for them in terms of meeting the childbearing, and rearing years for support of women. Thanks-Sincerely, Suzanne

Because I don't much about maternity leave, I suggest that you contact other organizations that do, such as 9-to-5: The National Association of Working Women, who helped to draft the Family Leave Legislation. Also, you should contact the Kennedy School for Government--and their international program on women (which is headed up by Swanee Hunt), which looks at international legislation that relates to women. If your research on this issue turns up any great sites, please send them to Feminist.com and we'd be happy to consider putting links to them. Our not including them is only out of not knowing about them. Good luck - and thanks for helping to improve and inform Feminist.com

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