I am currently working on
a research project about women
serving in the military and
combat. I would like to get
as much information on the feminists'
viewpoint, writings, and articles
written by and for feminists.
Can you provide me with any
suggestions or resources? Thanks
so much!
I love this website....I
am on it at least once a week
and it has helped me a great
deal with my research!
Jill, MA Candidate
George Washington University
Thanks for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
A woman by the name of Cynthia
Enloe has done a lot of writing
on the topic of women in the
military--some of this has been
for the New
York Times and some of it
has been for Ms.
Magazine--searchings at
both of these publications will
certainly lead you to more information.
The webpages for both publications
should be able to find you these
Also, there are a few books
out right now--one is about
the women who fought in Desert
Storm--and the other is about
Tailhook. Unfortunatley, it's
3:30 am my time and I can't
remember the names of these
books and/or authors, but try
doing a search at Amazon.com.
Also, a few months ago, I was
on a show with a woman who fought
in Desert Storm - if you are
interested I might be able to
get a contact number for her
so you could speak directly
with her. Going to the source--in
this instance, women in the
military--is always a good start.