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Hi Amy! I am enrolled in a Business Management class at Marymount College and I am doing a research paper on women in management and the impact they have made to the business environment. I am looking for statistics and press releases, articles, etc... Can you help?

Thanks for your note to FEMINIST.COM. From your email, I presume that you are talking specifically about women in management and upper level positions. If yes, you should contact Catalyst--an organization that sort of operates like a watchgroup to corporate America with a specific focus on women in senior positions. They have produced a number of studies on women in the workplace--including how the workplace needs to change in order to make room for all women--with some studies focusing specifically on women of color.

Also, there is a great article from the Harvard Business Review from Sept./Oct. 1996 about how there are three paradigms that have shaped the business world over the last 3-4 decades. The first being about sheer numbers (low positions and pay), the second was about promoting a few tokens and the third was about promoting diverse groups of people and forcing the workplace to change rather than the people to change. It's co-authored by Robin Edy. If you send me your address, I would send it to you.


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