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Hi in the US. Great site! I'm an Australian woman management consultant, working part-time, raising kids part-time, and building my farm part-time. I live alone 20 minutes from the most Easterly part of Australia, 50 miles from the nearest town.

I am looking to provide a brief consultancy to a women's refuge/rape crisis service who eschew a "FEMINIST MANAGEMENT PHILOSOPHY", (FMP) but they and me all need help with this practice. Some of the honorary directors are social workers, others ex-clients from the refuge, etc. I need to find specific information on WHAT "FMP" is, what techniques to employ, recommendations, research sites, help on specific methods or sites with such info.

When I searched for information on these topics, I came up with 19,000+ results (!), but the first 300 hits don't seem to even touch on it...HOWEVER I FOUND YOUR GREAT SITE. As I'm doing this project for the fee of 100 metres of fencing wire, (!) I ask for your kind indulgence to refer me to a more refined site, and hope you can help. Many thanks in advance, Jane

Thanks for your note to FEMINIST.COM--and letting me indulge briefly on your great and varied life (farming, mothering, consulting....). I don't know of any specific "Feminist Management Practices"--meaning the ideal versus how it really plays out, but here are some elements, which certainly must be key to feminist management:

--Not hierarchical, but cyclical or more organic leadership.
--Given the subject you are working on--there especially should be no blaming the victim.
--Obviously--equal pay for work of equal value principle built in.

I think that's all I can offer. You might want to look at Marilyn Waring's book -- If Women Counted: A New Feminist Economics , which deals mostly with valuing women's work and includes some hint at management. Also, there are "pro-women" groups such as CatalystWomen.org but I wouldn't say that they have a "feminist lens" so much as just a "gender lens."


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