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November 1997
The following are exclusive excerpts from Washington Feminist Faxnet

November 21 , 1997


Time Magazine is asking for nominations for the most important people of the 20th century, to be featured in a special series to hit newstands and airwaves next year. Here's a scorecard for the names Time has posted as "suggestions."

Women Men Warriors and Statesmen 1 10 Entertainers & Artists 3 18 Builders & Titans 0 9 Scientists & Healers 1* 12 Heroes & Adventurers 2 9 * Mary Leakey, listed with her husband

As if their male-heavy list is not insulting enough, this project is coming our during Women's History Month - March. Women should flood Time with nominations in every category. To register your nominations and your displeasure at the imbalance in their suggestions, write Time 100, Room 2548, Time & Life Bldg, Rockefeller Center, NY, NY 10020. Log on at http://www.time.com, or e-mail directly to [email protected]


Thanks to lobbying efforts of women's groups, supported by many calls, faxes, and e-mails from WFF readers and other activists around the country, setbacks for women were mostly avoided before Congress gave itself the rest of the year off.

  • The President stood firm on funding for overseas family planning (WFF 2/7; 3/7), even though it meant giving up an Administration priority on UN funding. (Thank the Prez at 202-456-1414, [email protected]
  • The so-called Civil Rights Act of 1997* (WFF 7/11) that would wipe out federal Affirmative Action programs was stifled in committee.
  • The onerous cap on medical damages* for products like the Dalkon Shield and silicone breast implants was dropped from the DC appropriations bill (WFF 10/10)
  • In a partial victory, funding for the Women's Educational Equity Act (WFF 9/12) was compromised at $3 million, restoring $1 million cut in the House, but short of the full $4 mil the Administration requested.
  • The Family Violence Clarification to the welfare bill was killed behind closed doors in conference committee, even though the Senate passed it twice. Thank Rep. Ann Northrup (R-KY fax 202-225-5776) for selling women out to support rabids in her party.
* Like Freddy Krueger, these will be ba-a-ack in some form next year.

We're off to Grandma's house -- no WFF next week.


November 14 , 1997


The SEC has proposed a new rule that will undermine women at home and abroad. Changes they are considering include making it nearly impossible for shareholders to influence corporate behavior through shareholder resolutions. Among other things, the rule would create an "effect the bottom line" measure of the relevance of a shareholder's proposal. This means resolutions concerning corporate employment discrimination, sexual harassment, or overseas sweat labor (mostly women) would not clear the "financial relevance" bar, so would never come up at shareholder meetings. Shareholder initiatives are one of the few ways corporate managers can be held accountable for overall policies and practices that harm women. The SEC Is taking public comment on their proposed rule changes (specifically rule S7-25-97) until November 24. Women's groups are opposing the rule changes. Add your voice to theirs by writing to Arthur Levitt, SEC, 450 5th Street NW, Washington , DC 20549. If you need suggested wording, contact Maria Fernandez Gold in the Working Women's Dept. of the AFL-CIO at 202-835-8286, or check sample letters and e-mails at http://www.socialinvest.org.



It's official. The Susan B. Anthony dollar -- the only U.S. coin with a real woman's likeness -- has been killed in Congress. The Treasury Department is charged with creating a new coin when the supply of Susan B's run out, a few months from now. Senator Alphonse D-Amato (R-NY) wants the Statue of Liberty "to represent all women," instead of a real woman for the new dollar (maybe we could just get a generic jerk to represent all such fools on the Hill). Female Senators are urging keeping Anthony and adding Lucretia Mott, Sojourner Truth, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton to keep her company. The decision will rest with the Treasury Department. It's not too soon to get your two bucks worth of opinion registered by calling Secretary Robert Rubin at 202-622-5300; fax 202-622-0073. Contact the Mint in cyberspace at http://www.ustreas.gov/treasury/bureaus/mint and go to "comments".


November 7 , 1997


According to conservative activist Thomas Jipping, Margaret Morrow, President Clinton's nominee for U.S. District Judge in California, has three strikes against her. Jipping's three strikes are: 1) she is a member of the California Women Lawyers, which is pro-choice, and in favor of parental leave and fair pay, 2) believes in affirmative action, and 3) wants gun control. Even though Morrow has cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee, a "hold" has been placed on her nomination (meaning the full Senate can't vote on it) by Jipping's buddy, John Ashcroft (R-MO). Ashcroft is now dedicated to derailing Morrow's appointment, and is fronting for a coalition of so-called "grass roots" organizations, including the Traditional Values Coalition and the National Rifle Association. Tell Ashcroft (202-224-6154; fax 202-228-0998; E-mail) to stop holding this nomination hostage, and urge your Senator (202-225-3121 or send e-mail). to vote out loud (Ashcroft is insisting on a roll call) for this woman who earned the highest possible evaluation from the American Bar Association evaluation committee.


Thanks in parts to calls, e-mails and faxes from women (WFF 10/31), the Senate Judiciary Committee (which had been poised to kill the nomination) delayed a vote yesterday on Bill Lann Lee's nomination for Asst. Attorney General for Civil Rights. Help overrule Anita Hill basher Orrin Hatch (R-UT) who is leading the charge against Lee for his support of affirmative action, by getting calls to members who are said to be sympathetic but not publicly committed. Call these guys (of course, all guys) today to express your support for Lee:

                        Voice             Fax        E-mail

Fred Thompson (R-TN)   202-224-4944  202-228-3679    E-mail
Mike DeWine (R-OH)     202-224-2315  202-224-6519    E-mail
Spencer Abraham (R-MI) 202-224-4822  202-224-8834    E-mail



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