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December 1997
The following are exclusive excerpts from Washington Feminist Faxnet

December 19 , 1997


* A women sewing Disney pajamas in Haiti would need 156 years to earn what Disney CEO Michael Eisner earns in one hour ($102,000).

* Nike CEO Phillip Knight has piled up a net worth of $5.4 billion - not bad from selling shoes. That averages out to $18,000 an hour, every hour, 24 hours a day for the last 33 years. Meanwhile, a woman in Vietnam sewing Nike sneakers will have to work that same 33 years to make what Knight racked up in just one hour, even as he slept.

These facts brought to you by the Holiday Season of Conscience campaign, which urges us to shop responsibly this season. Skip garments made by near-slave labor by buying U.S. made (research shows that garments made overseas DO NOT sell for less here -- greedy corporations just pocket the money they save by shortchanging workers). Also look for the NO SWEAT label, from responsible companies who guarantee their garments are 100% free of sweatshop labor. To learn more , contact Sweatshop Watch at 212-391-1655; www.sweatshopwatch.org.


The Time Warner Company, which owns the Maverick recording label, is peddling violence against women this season. The album Fat of the Land by the group Prodigy, has an opening track titled "Smack My Bitch Up," (Wal-Mart and Kmart jettisoned the album, but Target has requested warning stickers, which they hope to have in "about 2 weeks," conveniently after Christmas.) NOW and the Feminist Majority have asked for a meeting with company officials, who do not see anything offensive about the album. If you see it in stores, tell the retailer what you think.


December 5, 1997


In response to last week's alert about Time Magazine's suggestions for its 100 Most Important People of the 20th Century feature (due next March) being heavily male, WFF got a call form Time editor Walter Isaakson. He'd seen WFF, agreed women were getting short-shrifted, and is working to change that. Time has already promised to rename the Warriors & Statesmen category to Leaders (not done as of yesterday), and work with Gloria Steinem as a consultant to beef up its suggested nominee list to include more women. Thank Time editor Walter Isaakson (fax 212-522-9153) for being so responsive -- and bolster the list yourself by nominating your fav woman from the 20th Century at Time 100, Room 2548, Time & Life Bldg, Rockefeller Center, NY, NY 10020 [email protected] or log onto www.time.com


The largest trade mission in Commerce Department history leaves today for a week-long trip to India. And guess what? NO BUSINESS WOMEN will be included, because "the selection panel received no applications from women that met the appropriate criteria" (several big-boy donors will be included). This is the third trade mission organized by Commerce Secretary Bill Daley, who has included only two women out of approximately 75 participants so far. Let Daley know these numbers add up to bad business at 202-482-2112 fax 202-482-2741; e-mail [email protected]



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