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February 1997
The following are exclusive excerpts from Washington Feminist Faxnet

February 28 , 1997


The law that was passed last year to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers is getting more than its fair share of battering. First Rep. Bob Barr (R-GA) introduced HR 26, exempting all previously convicted batterers from compliance -- meaning only those found guilty after the law was passed will be subject to it. Now, Sen. Paul Wellstone (D-MN), who until now has been a great friend to the women's community, and has fought hard against sexual assault, has introduced S. 262, the Senate version of the Barr bill!!! Ask Sen. Wellstone (Tel: 202-224-5641; Fax: 202-224-8438, E-mail [email protected]) why he let down women, whose overwhelming support helped him win in the November Elections. The bills are also going to be heard at the Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime early next week. Tell Judiciary Chair, Henry Hyde (R-IL 202-225-4561; Fax 202-225-1166; no e-mail), Subcommittee on Crime's Chair, Bill McCollum (R-FL 202-225-2176; Fax 202-225-0999; no e-mail), and Subcommittee's Ranking Democrat, Charles Schumer (D-NY 202-225-6616; Fax 202-225-4183, no e-mail) not to change the language of the present law because wife beaters should not be carrying guns. Urge your Representatives and Senators at 202-224-3121 (or send e-mail) to vote against the proposed bills.

February 21 , 1997


"Why don't they just leave?" is a question we hear all too often in public discourse about battered women. We all know one all too frequent answer is that they have no place to go. Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) is planning to introduce a bill very soon to give battered women permanent housing. Frank's bill, the "Domestic Violence Victims Housing Act" will make it possible for battered women to get HUD housing certificates when it's time to leave the temporary housing provided in shelters. Frank wants as many co-sponsors on the bill as possible. Urge your House member (202-225-3121; or send e-mail) to sign on as an original co-sponsor. If they're conservative, call them anyway -- this will also help battered women with jobs to stay off welfare, and they can't use the hackneyed excuse that nobody ever contacted them about it.



The third annual Young Feminists Summit will be held in Washington, D.C. on April 11-13. Young women can gather, share their experiences and develop skills for organizing. For more information, call the National NOW Action Center, (202-331-0066 X 728) or e-mail [email protected]. Registration $35. Register online: http://www.now.org/yfsummit.html


February 14 , 1997


In their first show of anti-abortion muscle in the new Congressional session, the House voted yesterday to once again impose a gag-rule on international family planning organizations, then left town for a week. Responding to calls from activists and the Clinton administration, the House passed a bill to release family planning funds (which have never been used for abortion) March 1 (WFF 2/7) instead of waiting till summer and endangering more women's lives. Republicans immediately pulled a bill out of their back pockets, and passed restrictions on the funds (denying money to organizations that mention abortion in ANY of their programs, even those paid for with private money). The vote will come up in the Senate soon, so burn their ears now at 202-225-3121 (or send e-mail to your representatives).


Despite the best efforts of feminists, led by Gloria Steinem, the Motion Picture Academy nominated The People vs. Larry Flynt for two academy awards this week. The Hollywood Women's Political Commitee has taken ads in major newspapers urging Academy members not to honor movie producers who glorify hate speech against women with an Oscar nomination. The ad reproduced Steinem's on-target criticism of the Flynt film which said in part: You don't see [in the movie] Hustler images such as illustrations of a charred expanse of what looks like human skin, with photos of dead and dismembered women pinned to it. If Flynt had published the same cruel images even of animals, this movie would never have been made. The Oscar show depends on women for most of its audience. Tell the Academy you'll be washing your hair that night at 310-247-3000; fax 310-859-9351.


was May Quinn in 1910. And women are still making history. You can plan a Women's History Month (March) celebration in your workplace or school with a wealth of materials from the National Women's History Project, including multicultural posters, videos, speeches, & program ideas. 707-838-6000.


February 7 , 1997


Failing to hear the stampede of women's feet as they flee the Republican Party, the Republican Congress is once again siding with the National Right to Life Committee. The NRLC says that family planning funds the U.S. sends overseas are dollars spent on the "Clinton Administration's overseas abortion crusade" -- so GOP lawmakers are obligingly targeting women around the globe. During last year's budget battle, money for the 30-year-old successful overseas U.S. family planning program to prevent pregnancy and limit family size for desperately poor women, was cut by 35%. Congress also voted to delay release of what's left until July, 1997. Worldwide, over 600,000 women die each year from pregnancy related causes, many of them from unsanitary, unsafe abortions. Every day's delay in funding contributes to this carnage. The Clinton Administration has sent Congress a report finding "serious, irreversible, and avoidable harm" to families worldwide, and requiring a vote to begin spending the funds by March 1 instead of July 1. These GOP knows better, but it is still spreading the lie that funds are used to subsidize abortion. The program has always been prohibited by law from promoting or providing abortion. The vote on releasing the money is scheduled for Feb. 10; the most important vote Congress will take this month. Calls to the Hill from the pro-choice majority of women and men are needed (202-225-3121 -- remember there is an anti-choice majority in both Houses). Net activists can send free faxes from InterActivism's web site: www.interactivism.com



... is the name of the kickoff campaign during the week of Valentine's Day to remind local media that they have a responsibility to educate the public about domestic violence. The Family Violence Prevention Fund, in conjunction with the Advertising Council, is offering print, radio, and TV public service announcements (PSAs) to media nationwide. Local media will respond to local pressure. Now is the time to educate them about the problem in every community, and get them to run the PSAs (free 800-933-PSAS). To learn more about how to push this campaign, call Kelly Mitchell-Clark at 415-252-8900.


Washington Feminist Faxnet is pleased with the results of our Oct.-Dec. subscription/donation drive. Many feminists have responded, including those who are willing to help others by putting a little (or a lot) extra in the envelope. If you haven't sent your donation, fax your request for a subscription form to 202-265-6245 and we'll get it to you ASAP. And tell your friends about WFF. With feminism constantly under fire, we need all the activism we can get.



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