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April 1997
The following are exclusive excerpts from Washington Feminist Faxnet

April 25, 1997


The so-called "partial birth" abortion ban, which passed the House with a veto-proof majority in March, is likely to come up for a Senate vote next week. The Hill is being flooded with anti-choice calls, faxes and telgrams. Call your senator at 202-225-3121 today (or send e-mail) -- this bill is going to pass, but it is crucial that it NOT pass the Senate with a veto-proof majority.


If you're stuck again for how to remember your mother, try one of these: A "Wall of Fame" commemorative plaque placed with her bio in a special alcove at the National Women's Hall of Fame, with a duplicate to mom, 315-568-8060; $100 *** A special Mother's Day card with art work by Georgia O'Keefe from the National Women's History Project ($20), or the card with the NWHP video "A Fine and Long Tradition" ($40); 707-838-6000 *** A tax-deductible gift to the Women's Action for New Directions peace fund gets mom a special Mother's Day peace card; $25 up; 617-643-6740. (Mother's Day was started in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe as a festival for peace). Hurry for all of these, so mom can get the goodies by May 11.


April 18, 1997


The White House Office for Women's Initiatives and Outreach, the main liaison with grassroots women and national women's equity groups, is undergoing some changes. Director Betsy Meyers is moving to the Small Business Administration to lead the welfare-to-work effort. Other changes, such as moving/downsizing the office space (now across from the White House) are rumored. Officially there are "no plans to downgrade" the office or its work. This is the only office in the Administration that specifically addresses women's concerns through cooperative work with national women's groups. If any moving should be done, it should be to inside the White House itself. To make certain that the office remains fully functional and its work is continued now that the election is over, call Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles' comment line at 202-456-6797 or fax your thoughts to 202-456-1414.



Thanks to all who wrote and faxed Hoechst Roussel-Uclaf in an attempt to counter the anti-choice boycott of their products Seldane and Allegra (WFF 4/4). Unfortunately, the rabids prevailed, and Hoechst has stopped producing the drug. The good news is that the Population Council (the U.S. licensee) says it will have no trouble getting another manufacturer to supply the drug in the U.S.


April 11, 1997--Pay Inequity Awareness Day


Today is Pay Inequity Awareness Day, so named because it's the day in 1997 when women reach the same earnings men made in calendar year '96. Two bills have been introduced in the Senate to overcome the pay gap - overall a woman still makes 29 cents less for every dollar made by a man. The Fair Pay Act (S.232, Sen. Harkin, D-IA), is a strong bill that would prohibit discrimination in wages for jobs with the same skill, effort, responsibility and working conditions, even if the actual work is not the same. The F.P.A. would also require the pay statistics on relative salaries for women, men, and people of color be published. The Paycheck Fairness Act (S.71) is a weaker but still valuable sister introduced by Sen. Daschle (D-SD). This bill would beef up enforcement of existing equal pay laws and establish a national award for pay equity in the workplace. Make April 11 your special call-in day (202-224-3121) to urge your Senator to co-sponsor both bills. If she/he is conservative, call anyway - don't let 'em say they've never heard from women. For general info on the pay gap, contact the National Committee on Pay Equity, 202-331-7343; fax 202-331-7406; or check out the petition here at FEMINIST.COM to sign and circulate.


...In a very special way on National Take Our Daughters to Work Day April 24th, President Clinton can support women and girls nationwide by taking his daughter to work. We've gotten a positive response from some in the White House, but MORE public encouragement is needed. If you haven't called, written or faxed, do so now (202-456-1111; fax 202-456-2461; E-mail [email protected]). The day will be here sooner than we think, and the wheels of Presidential scheduling turn slowly. Info on Take Our Daughters to Work is available from the Ms. Foundation at 800-676-7780 (new number).


April 4, 1997


That's the day in 1997 when women will finally have earned what men were paid for in the 1996 calendar year. April 11 has been declared National Pay Inequity Awareness Day by President Clinton. The National Committee on Pay Equity (202-331-7343) is coordinating actions in 38 states, and national women magazines (check out Glamour, Self, Family Circle) have editorialized on the pay gap. Democratic leaders in Congress will hold a news conference to discuss pay inequity, and follow it up with a briefing. You can contribute to the news conference and briefing (10:30 AM Eastern) on the web at the Senate Leadership's Democratic Women's Resource Page. Send your fair pay questions and comments to the website by Thursday, April 10. Selected questions will be answered by experts at the news conference and briefing. After the event, a full video summary will be available along with postings of selected Internet questions.



If you are one of the millions of pro-choice individuals who would like to see the abortion drug RU-486 available to U.S. women, sharpen your pencil and write a letter today. The National Right to Life Committee launched a national boycott this week against Hoechst Marion Roussel, the drug's manufacturer. Full-page ads in national magazines call on consumers to boycott Hoechst's other products, including the antihistamines Allegra and Seldane. Boycotters are urged to ask their doctors for competing products. The pro-choice majority must make its voice heard -- the NRLC is counting on their campaign to stop the sales of RU-486 in Europe (where its been legal for years) as well as keep it off the U.S. market. Send letters of support (along with your Seldane and Allegra receipts) to Eve Vargas at Hoechst; fax 816-966-3860.



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